Devy Man is a multifaceted multimedia artist, author, composer, director, and designer, with over 20 years of experience in the international art scene. Born in France and known for his holistic approach to art, Devy began his career in music, theatre, and contemporary art, performing rock concerts across northern France. His artistic journey has been deeply influenced by his dedication to humanitarian causes, which he expresses through his work as the founding president of The Unique Team, an association committed to preserving humanity and empathy through creative expression.


Devy's work is renowned for its integration of high technology and eco-responsibility. It often focuses on themes of personal development, intercultural dialogue, human rights, and peace. He has pioneered techniques such as the selfie-video interview and the "Harmonyphone," both entirely created using a smartphone. His dedication to using technology ethically and artistically has earned him the title of the "Alchemist of Colours," as he continues to explore the challenges of the human condition through his graphic and musical creations.

His achievements include winning the Special Jury Prize and Best Film Music Award at the AI Film Awards during the 2024 Cannes Film Festival for his animated short film The 3 Doors of Wisdom. This film also received the Best Experimental Film Award at the Athens Art Film Festival. Devy's work has been featured at numerous international festivals and has been recognised for his innovative contributions to contemporary art and cinema.


Devy Man continues to push the boundaries of digital and therapeutic art, currently exploring the possibilities of the Metaverse while advocating for ethical practices in this emerging virtual world.