Steve (b. 1998, Thessaloniki, Greece) is a new media artist, technologist, and founder of Saphire Labs. His artistic pursuits revolve around the theme of "The Illusory Perception of Reality".


He employs a range of mediums, including custom generative algorithms, electronic circuits, crafting interactive installations, and data-driven sculptures influenced by human beahaviour. Through his work, he persistently challenges and subverts the subjective nature of reality, prompting the audience to question and reassess their perceptions of the world.


Steve crafts interactive installations, and digital artworks that engage both the senses and the mind. His work often incorporates real-time data and human behaviour, making each piece responsive to its environment.

Through his art, Steve aims to provoke thought and introspection, encouraging the audience to question their perceptions and the constructs of the world around them. By blending technology with artistic expression, Steve opens up new dialogues about the nature of existence and the power of perception.


Steve's approach and dedication to his work have led to the establishment of Saphire Labs, where he continues to push the boundaries of new media art.


Steve's work has been showcased in notable exhibitions, including the MATAROA Awards 2024, the Tension (Inspire Project 2023) exhibition at the MoMus Museum of Contemporary Art, and Culture Tech at the HELEXPO International Fair in Thessaloniki, Greece.